

mardi 20 novembre 2007

Ange dans le métro (angel on the metro)

I almost died on the metro yesterday...or at least it felt like it. Lately, I've had the terrible habit of sleeping late and getting up even later. I don't know, I'm either out or watching a movie on Alluc or Sidereel (thanks Lily for the sites!). Monday is my run around day. I have to rush to class and then commute to my two jobs. Well between my commute from one job to the next my fatigue, malnourished-ness(mauvais anglais!), and just overall crappiness, I almost fainted on the metro.
It happened between Barbès and Anvers on line 2. On the way to Barbès...I was standing amongst a sweaty, annoyed, and tall crowd of commuters. We were all sharing a limited space on the metro cart. I was standing next to the window. A chilly breeze kept flowing in while the heat inside the cart was overwhelming. All of a sudden my body started trembling, I felt an incredible amount of heat and loosened my scarf that was choking my neck, my head felt light, I couldn't breathe. The Barbès neighborhood is terrible and I was clutching my purse knowing very well it would be gone if I fainted. I just remember staring out the window and praying that I could make it out of the metro safely as my body trembled and my head spun...then I don't know what happened...in a hazy faze I remember a lady handing me my bag and sitting me down, everyone cleared to give me as much space as possible. I sat there confused and so weak! The lady asked me if I was ok...I could bearly utter "oui, je crois..." then she asked my metro stop I told her "Rome" she said "moi aussi, je vais t'aider," I was so relieved and scared! What just happened to me! Well I got out just fine and so did she. She asked me again if I was ok I said yes, and thanked her for her help, we parted. I felt awful! What the heck just happened!
I walked the 5min to my work. I was already 35min late to work. GREAT! I got there and luckily only Luca was home, everyone else was out and about. I was exhausted. I didn't tell him what happened, I was just so relieved to be feeling a little better. And didn't have the energy or strength to explain.
We ate. We hardly spoke any Spanish. I feel bad getting paid to eat and hang out with them and not teaching them Spanish. It's just that sometimes they don't want to and you can't force a 16yr old. We talked about his girlfriends and he confessed he wasn't a virgin! at 16! Call me old fashioned, but that's too young! Anyway then he wanted my advice on sex...how do you explain this?
It was one of the most awkward situations of my life. It felt as if a younger brother wanted sex advice, I couldn't do it. He probably thinks I'm a prude, but I'm sorry I couldn't it was too awkward. I could have given him tips, but I couldn't make the words come out of my mouth. Around my friends I can talk about it and its fine, but Luca? He's like my student, I'm his tutor? It was weird. And he seemed so eager to know...sorry.

Today was a disaster I missed my class because I over slept. I was up 'til 3am chatting with Hondo, Jose, and Ter Bear, hence I awoke at 12h30 with 15min left of class. Then I ate, had some Airborne to boost my immunity, and waited for the slow a** metro thanks to the damn strike! I picked up Marie. We walked the dog, went to the boulangerie, I taught her "twinkle twinkle little star," blow dryed her hair, had a snack, and watched cartoons 'til their demi-brother came to take over.
It took me 40min to get home. Thank you strike! I joined a group on facebook called "Replace the RATP & SNCF idiots with machines" its a reaction to the strikes. It just makes living in Paris impossible, its ridiculous!
Playing in my head:
Twinkle Twinkle...
Jenifer: Tourner ma page
Fatal Bazooka: Parle a ma main (such a funny song!)
James Deano: "On dit que les Blancs savent pas danser" (funny!)

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