

mardi 22 janvier 2008

I have a REAL job! YAY for my BLACKLIST!

Well...it's not really a job it's technically an internship. I am now a SUSI at EPITECH aka an English assistant at an engineering university in Paris. SWEET! Way better than my gigs I have now! Not that I won't miss my kids, but I got to do the best thing for my resumé.
Congratulations to Lily too, who also got hired! =) We both skipped our class in order to get hired. We'll get the notes from someone no worries.
I'm not sure when I start but no hurry.
I picked my classes for next semester I guess we'll see how that goes.
I had a final today and I'm not sure how that went, but I'm hoping for the best. I might go to Dupleix tonight...maybe not I'm tired and I have nothing to wear! LOL
Someone is on my blacklist but I won't tell who. AARRGGHHH!!!! Don't ask me who it is, if you don't know already maybe I don't want to share. I just wanted to vent about it on here.
Tomorrow should be fun I have Arabic and Hindi movie night with my soeur!
My landlady came in my studio without asking, that pisses me off, but oh well what can I do.
I mailed in my CAF and my medical receipts so soon I will have some dough in my pocket.

I feel better about Paris now...I just have to try harder when it comes to French., it's just that sometimes I get so frustrated I want to give up. >|

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