

mercredi 10 octobre 2007

Oct. 5th Vendredi pour la plus part toute seulle...

Oct. 5 (Friday)

Hmmmm, this was so long ago. I can’t remember what happened. Well, I went to school and found out that my class that I had come to school for won’t start until next week. Fabulous. That was the end of that. I went home cleaned. And I forget what else not important stuff, obviously because I can’t remember what I did. Wait! I remember. I took a walk around my quartier (neighborhood) and found Zara and GAP stores two blocks from my place! Fabulous! Then I proceeded and oops…I stumbled onto the Champs Elysées, where I of course did some damage to my wallet. A hop skip and jump away, and lookie here I’m in Promod (a clothing store) where I found a wonderful Parisian knit dress to go perfectly with my ZARA boots! It was a match made in heaven I couldn’t just let this opportunity pass me by! (it was like finding a diamond in the rough!) ahhh…it felt sooo good to spend money on something that looked so good!

À plus tard (much later) I found myself chillin’at my new pad…with not much to do and started reading my friend’s book (Kathy: former English Teacher), Free Gondola Ride, it’s the story of her summer with the gondoliers of Venice! Everytime I read it, I can picture her there surrounded by all these handsome men, with their irresistible Italian accents! I love it. Then all of a sudden, just as I was settling into my book and had finished my dinner (must not have been very good because I can’t remember what it was), Lou calls. An hour later I’m in the 11th at Place de la Bastille, walking to Nick’s apartment where I would find myself in the company of Will, Marie, Carmen, Lou, & (duh) Nick. I remember that walk very well because I was in my Parisian dress and let me tell you I was turning heads LOL!

Ok. So at Nick’s we had a good time. We danced a little. We drank a little. Listened to (more) Indie music. Talked a lot. Nick guessed my sign! Correctly! Off of these facts: I like fruit & chocolate combos, I can suppress my sexual drive, I have to make sure people stay close to me. I don’t know how he does it! But it was a very cool. We talked theology (violent Jews & Muslims, sexist Christians). Is religion the source of all evil? In my opinion: no. I tried out my Italian accent on Nick. Sta bene! Bello! Ragazzo! Grazie! Prego! Ya’know we used hand gestures and all! LOL good fun. Italians…I think they are my second passion. I can’t wait to hit up Italy! Watch out, I’m a comin’! Marie & Will told my the nitty gritty of a European winter. Marie told me Paris is the center of France and the rest of France is screwed because of it! (jerks!) Marie is a super nice girl! And then…Nick’s roommate came home! Wooahh awkward, evacuate all of Nick’s friends immediately! Then it was time to head home. Go salsa dancing (nah, to buzzed to dance!), go to Nick and Carmen’s favorite bar (nah, full of smoke and mean looking guys). Home it was! AH! My pillow. My bed. Priceless. And only 10euro for a taxi!

Downside: I slept until 2pm the next day! What a waste of my morning!

Indie group to remember: The Little Ones

Jazz artist to remember: Paul Wattson

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