Oct. 4th:
Thursday Nite is Erasmus Bar! woohoo! party ova'here!
LOL we'll get to that in a minute.
So today I woke up on time and last night I went to bed on time because I have no internet at my new place :( Anyway I made it to class at 8h30am, and again I got lost looking for the room...Again I took half ass notes because I didn't really understand her lecture and she is really boring! The amphitheater was huge, again about 85students there! NO! drop it bitches it's mine!
My next class, Marketing, started at 13h45 (I know 24h time is annoying but that's how they do it here and I'm finally starting to get used to it!) Another big amphitheater with balcony seating (I like. but i'll probably never sit there because then I really won't be able to hear or understand what the professor is saying...sadness). My professor is kinda cute, he's a young guy. His lectures are on PowerPoint! yes! easy note taking! The class was 3hrs long (sleepy very sleepy...) and there was a break. It was a crash intro to Marketing. (view above image)
Après (after) that was over I went to work! today was boys night I went to the 17th arrondissment to teach my boys Español, Turns out one of them ditched our lesson (the younger one Tom) and I got to go over verb conjugation with Luka how exciting...Then he told me that he wants to be a film director (and I thought of Elaine!). He also told me he was working on writing a scenario and creating 3D images for it...the computer program looked very complicated. He made a wolf all by himself! crazy! He likes to watch Prison Break (gross) and he loves film music (We both like the music for The Godfather) ok back to verb conjugation... That was it for the night and I got to meet his half sister she's really pretty. There's a Franprix(supermarket) near his house so decided to buy dinner there. I of course had to carry it on the metro and all the way home along with my purse and laptop! ggrrhh!
ok nite time! Time to boogie! Erasmus Bar! I got ready put on my best smiley face and went to Chatelet to this bar called the HideOut (if you go you'll know why...The ground floor is your average pub, but below there's a whole other world! It's a little maze of loungey type rooms, a main bar room, and a dance floor room!) Everything was perfect in this little hideout except:the trapping of all the cigarette smoke, the BO (body odor), and stank of beer all over the floor. Kris was there on his quest for the German girls (most didn't go so he bounced), Naomi left because of the lack of fresh air (it was disgusting in there), but Taylor, Sara G., Suzie, and Carmen stayed for the ride. We had a beer and then hit the dance floor. We boogied to Shakira, Daddy Yankee(it felt like home), and Michael Jackson! Of course there was singing going on, and when I heard the Frenchies sing in English I couldn't help but laugh at their accent LOL losers! jk I love you all! not! LOL kidding again...:) Anyway we wanted to catch the last metro before we forced to take the night bus, or even worse and expensive taxi, so we bounced by 12h20am. None of my Erasmus amigas went so it was just the MICEFA crowd woohoo!
I'm home finally, I want to blog before I wake up and forget what happened, but i'm exhausted, so I waited til today! and you'll read about today tomorrow, muahahahaha, and it'll be that way until I hook up an internet connection at my new casa!
1 commentaire:
aww, you're sweet to think of me. i hope i have some powerpoint lectures!
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