Aujourd'hui(today), was stressful AGAIN! I went to my Fac and reported to my one was there, hmm maybe I got the room number wrong. So, then I went from floor 4 to Floor 0 and saw that the room number was right! So, then I went back up to floor 4 and again no one was there. Worst of all the International Relations office was closed! ok calm down Romina. I figured if there was a room number change then I'll just find out when the office opens. Voilà, well then I had to go back up to floor 3 and look up more classes, when all of sudden I see a really good looking noire(black guy) in the hall! woohoo! my lucky day! (of course I didn't say anything to him, because I'm not that forward...:( but then he says to me "excusez-moi madamoiselle, mais êtes-vous ici depuis longtemps?" (Excuse me Miss but have you been a student here for a while?) and I was so in shock because his voice was so sultry! (i melted on the inside!) that all i said was "non" and walked away! LOL I am so dumb! I should''ve made conversation or done something! What was I thinking! I walked away?! well yeah I did oh well another missed opportunity...(I forgot to mention I looked really crappy this morning, I had woken up less than an hour ago, and just tied my hair on the subway and rushed to school) I also saw my German friend (the girl who's name I couldn't remember in a previous blog) and I found out her name is Mette (I didn't ask her, I looked it up on the sheet where our grades were posted...hehe...i'm so sneaky!) Anywho, so I left school and went home to pack my "life"(suitcases) in order to move again. I made two trips on the metro and transported exactly two suitacases. On one of those trips I bumped into my new neighbor, the Chinese student. She is really sweet! She offered to help me move in...awwww, thanks but no! She came out of her room looking Fierce! I was thinking ooohh girl, where you goin' lookin' all fly! LOL I didn't look fly I was still looking pretty tore up, lugging around luggage does that to you. On another trip on the metro I saw Mme Catholique's sister (which I work for) AH! Both our places are on the same metro line so I figured this was bound to happen. Anyway I looked away and she did too, no funny business here! I hate running into people I work with!
at 16h10 I found myself on the metro (yet again) on my way to work, and somewhere between Juarès and Belleville these two guys got on and started fighting! It was so cool! My first fight in Paris! They were like ""ta mère" (your mother!)NON LA TIEN! (no, yours!)va-te foutre! (go fuck yourself!) and I was thinking woowee! This is getting good! Everyone on the metro was freaking out! We all thought it would turn into a brawl. One guy got involved and told them to calm down, but oh no the other guy took a swing and bam! and the people on the metro said "calme-toi" (calm yourself!)"laisse-lui" (leave him!)but no he said "Il parle de ma mère!" (he's talking about my mother!) "fait pas-ça!"(don't do that!) "Con" (idiot!)LOL It was so exciting (all along I'm thinking, please don't have any weapons!) Some people even left our metro cart, others just scooted to the sides. It was the most EXCITING metro ride I've had yet!
In less excting news: I went to the park with my chicklins and got up the courage to talk to the nunu I had met some time ago. She was really nice, she's from Côte d'Ivoire, and has a French boyfriend, she loves Americans and American music. I forgot her was a toughie! and she loves to salsa hehehe. She said I'm in desperate need of an amoureux and I couldn't agree more! She said my rent is really expensive and I can't agree more! (especially with the dollar) all around she's a good chica! and my first Côte d'Ivoire friend! After a long chat of "getting to know you questions" us nunus headed back home with our enfants(children). I taught Luke and Marie some basic vocab. and in the end gave them a little cadeau (present) for being good students.
I gave them a little egg that you submerge in water and then wait 24hrs for it to break open and out pops a baby dinosaur! aw cute!
The subway ride, was no thrill! but I did enjoy some good grafitti and got to look into peoples appartments from the metro! (peoples homes are so grosss!) Now, I'm home and waiting for my soeur so that we can make another luggage trip to my new place!
luggage and metro not a good combo!
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