I promised myself I would go to class today. Again I slept in. I slept until about 11h. I decided I would try my luck at Havre-Caumartin and do some damage to my wallet by going to H&M. I hopped on line 2 and line 3 and voilà! I tried to shop at Printemps but as I was going up each floor on the escalator I was looking at Designer names and exorbitant prices. I quickly realized this store wasn't for me! So then, I tried my luck at H&M. Surprisingly, it wasn't that crowded (it always is!) and the inventory looked really good! I descended into shopping heaven and quickly forgot that I had class in 30min. The idea was just to pick up a few things (essential basics like: a hat, hair ties, and tights), but it soon turned into a lot more than that. I waited in the horrendous line for a dressing room. I was out the door about 2hrs later with a hole in my Carte de Crédit.
Picture of Thanksgiving at Steven's house! so fun!
On the metro ride home a beggar asked me for money, I refused, she kepting insisting with desperation in her eyes. I couldn't look up at her. Inside me I was thinking, you just went shopping, you have change in your purse, she looks desperate, it's Thanksgiving! But I couldn't get the money out of my wallet and the metro was breaking to stop at the next station. This all happened in a matter of seconds. I felt horrid; the lady got off. After she left I kept beating myself up for not giving her money, how could I be so mean! I"m so sorry! I feel awful! I just keep seeing her face yelling at me "une petite pièce pour améliorer la situation..."
I got home and went to Leader Price a really cheap grocery store. It was super cheap. They don't have plastic bags so you either have to buy one or bring your own. I didn't know this until I got there. There were about 5 people in line to pay with full shopping carts. I left my 3 items and went to Casino where they have plastic bags and more than one cashier.
I got ready for work and made my Thanksgiving salad. I got on the metro and it was so packed! I ran to get in just as the buzzer was signaling the departure. But it was so full that I could barely get on, a man had to hold my purse and bag from preventing the metro doors from closing. It was insane! We got to Étoile and there was a world of people trying to get on, but it was impossible to fit anyone else in there. One women was trying to get out and shouted, "Pardon, je vais sortir, mèrde laisse moi sortir!" No one would move to let her out and she almost missed the stop. Hilarious! Until it happens to you!
I got to work. I made crèpes and veggies for dinner. The boys started arguing again. They do this everytime. They argue over the dumbest things. When they're done arguing in English they start arguing in French, until I groan a bit and then they calm down. It's so annoying! I told them about Thanksgiving and they wrote it off as a stupid American Holiday. They bash
I walked to Steven's house after work. We were having a lovely Thanksgiving celebration. There was stuffing, mashed potatoes, candied yams, apple pies, wine (a lot of it), turkey, roasted chicken, deviled eggs, plenty of baguettes, cranberry sauce, corn bread, and cookies. I invited Marion and Edwige, they loved the food. Success! We gave thanks before eating and that was awesome. There was singing, dancing, grubbing, drinking, and mingling going on. It was a happening place!
Afterwards, Marion and I went to the Erasmus Bar, at
For the record: the past two nights I have tried to go to sleep by 23h30 and it hasn't worked. I just toss and turn til about 2am...
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