Romina at Fontainebleau park woohoo!

The couple in the distance that had sex at this park! scandalous!

Crew at Fontainebleau
Bridge on the Seine where we hung out!

Bridge on the Seine where we hung out!
say this: le pêcheur pêchant sous le pêcher et la pêcher empêchait le pêcheur de pêcher
hahaha tough huh? My Prof Sandrine gave it to us to practice our pronunciation.cute.cute.but nope.
Sept. 2:
Sept. 2:
Job interview, Chez Mme Catholique (her really name has been changed, just in case I get mad at her and start talking smack on my blog...muahahaha) I tooke the metro line 6 from Cité U to the 12th and got off at station Picpus(haha funny name). Upon arriving I was completely lost and asked a traffic directing lady how to get there, and all I understood was tout droit...un thanks for the...help. AH! I don't wanna be late. So I went tout droit and OMG voilà I'm here! and 10min early!
Interview: She just got back from jogging. It was cold outside. Her nipples are ridiculously huge and hard. I assumed she was cold. That was gross. Note to self: never wear sports bras! Hmmmm she likes me & her hubby too! I'm hired! They don't even want to interview anyone else, oh yeah I'm super cool. (managment material...lol) job description:7yr old Marie and 9yr old Luke, teach them English, Park, baths, devoirs, etc...oh and time permitting:catechism & trumpet practice! no way foo! you crazy I only spend 2 1/2 hrs w/them twice a week!
Turns out Mme Catholique's sis is in besoin of me! o fo sho! I'm there! Boom! I'm hired. 2nights a week teaching her teenage boys and her Spanish! dîner included. sabroso!
( I will blog later on these two families I work for)
I live in the 9th Arrondissement. yay! I'm home! finally, chez moi!
Sept. 6: I'm sick this week! no! and I had my University placement test! It obviously didn't go so well...too bad, c'est dommage.
FYI:between all this I switched PLP classes from the MICEFA's to my fac's (university) PLP class.
My fac's FLE class(français langue étrangère) sucks! loads of work, very informational, people not so friendly....I miss my Californian classmates at MICEFA they are so much cooler!
(this weekend was the Journée de Patrimoine, when most museums, monuments, château thingies are free)Hence the trip to Fontainebleau.
MICEFA trip to Fontainebleau, not very exciting. I hate small towns, everything is so much slowwweeeerrrrr...not cool. Hung out at the park and saw a couple have sex! (what's with the PDA in this country?) Later that day: I went to what was supposed to be the Techno Parade at Place de la Bastille. It was awful. Everyone was wasted, beer bottles covering the ground. Guys trying to hit on you all drunk. Luckily three of my male classmates(Derrick, Kris, &Lou) were there and we made it back to civilization via metro. We stopped at St.Michel and met up with the girls (Kathy, Morgan, Kristin, & Carmen) and were later joined by Sarah G., Suzie, Taylor, & Naomi. It was a cool night on one of the bridges along the seine (the one pictured above) and it was full of people with their friends drinking, eating, chatting, and playing music). Morgan bought a block, Taylor peed and threw up in the Seine(yay Taylor!)
For the third time in my life I went to Versailles, with my soeur Lizzie. It was cool.
Liz and I saw the entire Château! except for the Opéra which was closed for renovation or something. I don't think Liz could've found her way through the entire château sans moi!
I should be a tourguide! Then we proceeded to the gardens where we had some of the best ice cream I had cassis avec chocolat. Liz kept bugging me about the damn boats in the what I assume to be a man made very large pond thingy. Well we had to paddle really fast because they charge like 14euro an hr je crois? Anywho we made it to the end and back in an hour and a half not bad poor Liz she paid muahahaha! But it was a lot of fun, let's do it again! on me! lol
Today I met Lilli (a Japanese student here in Paris, pendant 4ans) I met her through my old Leadership teacher in high school. Lilli is awesome! She speaks:Spanish,English, French, Italian, & Japanese. What a resumé! I wanna do that too! She will be going to Dauphine too (she's in an interpreting program).She's sweet she wants to go to Italia avec moi, too.
FYI: During the month of September, every Thursday is Cultural Adaptation Class. I love it! It's not so much a class. Mostly it's a time where we all share stories of our vies in Paris, how sometimes it's coo and sometimes not so coo. It's the only time I get to see the whole crew together! We have an awesome crew. My favorite peepsin class:Morgan & Kathy (they're hilarious!) It kind of sucks that some people from the program don't show up...but oh well. :)
I finally started talking to my Dauphine classmates. Of course my first in was the España crew, and therefore I decided to attend an Erasmus party. located in Montparnasse, at a bar called Le Financier. It was awesome. good company:Lou, Nick(he does the best shopping cart dance I've ever seen), & Carmen. And we got down with the funk! and then were joined by my German buddies:Stephanie and ooppss...I forgot her name, my Australian buddy Jennifer (who demonstrated the Penguin dance), and my Spanish friends: Paula, and Paloma(super short loves to drink). I took the night bus to my quartier(neighborhood) and then grabbed a taxi at around 3am.
I had a test the next morning! no hang over woohoo!